
MB S.p.A. travels across the ocean and lands in one of the most advanced countries in the world: the new subsidiary of the Vicenza-based company, world leader in the production and sale of crusher buckets, has been operative in Japan since the beginning of March.


Located in Tokyo's modern and downtown neighbourhood of Shinagawa, the new branch will also be equipped with a warehouse where to store goods and manage the after-sales service.


On the very first day the subsidiary was open for business, MB's success did not take long to show itself: the office received 26 telephone calls and 311 congratulatory letters!

Not bad for a company founded not even ten years ago and which, in just a short time, has managed to reach borders throughout the world, last but not least Japan, the most technological country on the planet.

In fact, only a handful of Italian companies can boast a direct presence in the Land of the Rising Sun, where punctuality, service, focus on the customer, precision and assistance represent the necessary yet not sufficient requirement for doing one's business.

In addition to the above, in fact, the extremely demanding Japanese customer expects a touch of creativity, innovative solutions, continual improvement of performances and work process, and intrinsic product beauty: all of which MB has shown to possess and make the most of.


The opening of the Japanese subsidiary represents, on the one hand, the conclusion of a thorough market analysis that has lasted a few years and, on the other, a bridgehead in the world's reference market in terms of technological excellence applied to every aspect of man's life.

So, MB's challenge will be to satisfy the requests of a constantly changing market such as the Japanese one, in a country where 120 million people move at a relentless pace, with huge areas entirely covered by skyscrapers, office buildings, homes and plants that have to be torn down and rebuilt every thirty years in order to comply with extremely tough anti-seismic regulations in a country with the largest number of volcanoes in the world, sitting on one of the most active faults on Earth.


The Tokyo office is in a strategically central area from both a technical and logistical standpoint, and it is well connected to the Italian headquarters by means of optic fibres, for perfect management of the many information systems.

From this position, Japanese customers are well served both in terms of before-sale assistance and after-sale technical support by qualified, Japanese-speaking personnel, with offices hours from 8 o'clock in the morning to 8 o'clock at night.


From MB's Tokyo-based office, it will be possible to implement marketing campaigns, collect market-related information, and schedule demonstrations and road shows for all possible customer segments.

However, the most important factor is that the new Japanese branch will make it possible to have the buckets on site, ready to be delivered to the construction yard as quickly as possible, thus avoiding long transit times by sea.

In addition, spare parts are made available through a just-in-time warehouse with on-line booking, thanks to which the requested part can be delivered to the construction yard within 24 hours.


Efficiency, determination, seriousness and reliability: this is how MB presents itself to the world and it is how the company has conquered the Japanese market, bringing work and innovation to this area, without forgetting to be humble and the ability to listen to and implement advice and suggestions provided by these very precious observers, careful and thorough.


So, MB has no intention of stopping now, and it is counting on further improving products and services already at the top in terms of reliability and performance, competing with different markets and cultures on a daily basis, thus strengthening and maintaining its position as unquestionable world leader in the production and sales of its award-winning crusher buckets.