
A new year in the limelight for MB.

The year 2009 is filled with events and changes for the Vicenza-based company, world leader in the manufacture and sale of bucket crushers: events and changes that will lead MB towards new goals but that will above all broaden its already great horizons, leading the company towards the conquest of new markets and the consolidation of existing ones.

The first new event is the change in the name of the company, its structure and organisation: from this year in fact the company changes from being a Srl (limited liability company) to a Spa (joint stock company) reaching the goal much sought after by the Azzolin brothers. This transformation represents international recognition, new research boundaries, further development of the activities and the possible input of new capital to optimise resources. The change from Srl to S.p.A is a great reason of pride also for all MB employees who in just a few years - the company was established in 2001 - have seen the company grow beyond expectations also thanks to their enthusiasm and commitment and to the positive response of the international market.

Another spotlight has already focused on MB in 2009 thanks to another important event: apart from the transformation from Srl to Spa, the Vicenza-based company has obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certification which has filled with pride the management and all the departments. The certification was awarded after a period of tests which involved all the company's departments and certifies the quality of the product, after-sales service, commercial customer service and administration. This last goal represented a necessary step for MB to offer its customers an excellent and quality product, confirming once again the company's position as leader worldwide in this sector.