
Magazine: Marmomacchine



There are no longer just the buckets of yesterday. Today the market has been revolutionized by even more advanced equipment, real machinery that works in tandem with the excavator, enabling businesses to optimize their costs and increase their earnings. The MB crusher bucket is the first of its kind to appear on the market, and is one of these revolutionary pieces of equipment: patented throughout the world, flexible and agile, yet also objectively capable of cutting costs and contributing to the health of the environment.


Even large companies, that already have big crushing plants within their quarries, are deciding more and more often to also adopt the MB crusher buckets, which allow them to cover many situations and special processes, such as confined areas and spaces that are difficult to access.


Today the MB crusher bucket is no longer considered a niche or specialist piece of machinery, it is becoming part of the standard equipment for every construction company.


The testimonials collected from MB Crusher customers show that all the companies using the bucket crusher see it as being convenient both for large construction projects and for smaller jobs (the ease of transport and low production costs also make it advantageous for crushing small quantities).



